Fully Searchable Video & Audio
- Precise results from search engines. (One click takes you to the exact search term in the video; next click plays it from that spot.)
- Verbatim transcripts synchronized and 100% searchable
- Searchable hyperlinked tags and glossary terms you customize to maximize SEO and search
- Robust searching within video and corresponding transcript
Accessible Video & Audio
- Persons who are deaf or have hearing loss
- Speakers of foreign languages (professional translations)
- People who view video with no volume (at work, at gym, etc.)
- Our media player handles audio files as well as video
Custom Solutions
- Co-Branded/Branded Media Player
- Customized with your branding and “Powered by Transendia”
- Fully customized with your branding alone
- Custom search portals or media libraries
- Custom accessibility solutions for full disability access
- Custom player features to your specifications
- Volume pricing discounts
Transcription Options
- BYOT – Bring Your Own Transcript (Do it yourself or choose from our Transcription Partners)
- One Stop – We handle transcription with our team of transcription professionals
- RTI – Realtime Transcription Integration (Webcast live video or audio programming on your site with streaming realtime text or realtime captions. Following the event, the video is fully searchable!)